Saturday, December 11, 2010

Candy Cane Scarf

I admit it. I buy my yarn on an impulse. It has to grab my attention and often I don't have a clue what I will use it for. This yarn fit that bill. I saw it in the store all bright and shimmery and knew I wanted to knit with it. I also admit I bought a similar type of yarn when I was in Italy and a friend of mine is waiting for a scarf, but I have been too scared to knit with it in case I messed it up. So I checked the label and saw the most magnificent red and white striped scarf, with the words, "pattern under the label" which sold me. I bought a skein of red and a skein of white and was ready to knit the puffiest neatest scarf ever seen.

I got it home and there was no pattern on the label. Not deterred I went to the yarn company web site and located the pattern and downloaded it. After three attempts and ripping it out, I just was not pleased with what I was seeing. Instead I knitted both strands together to make this warm think and amazing soft scarf. I love the red and white, and as it crossed my lap as I was knitting it was amazing how warn it was. The pom poms make it poofy and fun and well just different from my other scarves. You can't help but be in the holiday spirit with this one.

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