The first donation happened and I can't help but share the incredible news. The photo is from our first donation from the knit in. The adult blankets and caps were donated to Gibson Cancer Center, which is part of Southeastern regional Medical Center. Sherita Jenkins accepted our donation from Margaret Crites. Crites is the Director of the Rape Crisis Center and one of the three organizers of the first knit-in. Jenkins is a social worker at the center and you may remember her husband, Rod Jenkins took part in the knit in. He learned how to knit and knitted a pink baby cap as part of the knit in. Sherita promised that all of the items knitted with love would go to people who needed them and she said they were greatly appreciated.
Stay tuned for more information about our next drop off which we hope will take place in the next week. Also if you would like to take part in the second annual knit in you can get more information from face book or you can e-mail me at this blog and we will be happy to add you to our knit-in e-mail list.
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