One of the other great things that day was that four people who had never knitted before learned how to knit, including our Assistant County Manager Rod Jenkins.
Margaret Crites used the looms we brought in and taught Rod, Stacy Kinlaw, Amanda Swisher, and Kerrie Roach how to knit. Each of them completed at least one cap that day and two of them completed two at the knit in while Kerrie went ahead and completed another at home. Jessica Drake knitted the most adorable caps and crocheted. Jane Hurst worked diligently crocheting a beautiful blanket. Cherry Witherspoon taught several knitters/crocheters how to crochet flowers for baby caps. Her secret is that she attaches them with a button to the hat so they can be removed before washing.
Tanya Underwood knitted the most adorable teddy bear. I worked away and completed a pair of booties and matching cap. Janice Fields brought her sewing machine from home and put together the most beautiful pattern for a baby blanket. She is finishing it up at home with batting and a backing. It was a fun and successful day of knitting, crocheting and sewing all to benefit those who might not otherwise have something like this made with love.
In a week or so we will make a trip with United Way representatives to the hospital and Gibson Cancer Center to donate all these incredible items. This was such a success that we are already planning on doing it again next year. For more information about Robeson County's 1st Annual Knit-In please check out our Facebook page. If you would like to sign up for next year's event you can comment here on this post or send me an e-mail. You can also sign up through our Facebook page. Our goal next year will be to top 112 items donated. Wouldn't you like to help?
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