Thursday, January 1, 2009

Wrapping Things Up

As the New Year came in it brought a front with it that dropped the temperature by a good 30 degrees. Makes me want to spend the day curled up on the couch with my favorite Coca-Cola throw tossed over my legs, fire in the fireplace, and my favorite book in hand.

One of my favorite pastimes on a day like this is knitting. I will knit scarves, blankets, caps and save them until winter to give away. My favorite are baby blankets, easy to knit, doesn't take too much time but I do not have any friends who need a baby blanket. So I donate them each year to Southeastern Regional Medical Center. Beth, who is in charge of volunteer services, will take them and distribute the blankets to those in need who might not have someone who would make something like a blanket for them or their baby. This is an annual event now. This year, thanks to the help of Penny I was able to donated 10 knitted blankets, 7 incredibly beautiful crocheted blankets, and two knitted caps.

It is nice to give a little warmth and love to someone you haven't met. Those of us who are part of DeJ. Creations would like to wish you and yours a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year filled with warmth and love.

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