Did you know that the Red Cross classifies home fires as a natural disaster? Where I live we seem to have more than our share of natural disasters in the term of home fires that destroy a home. Recently one of our law enforcement officers in the county, home was destroyed by fire while he and his wife, daughter and newborn were on vacation. When he came home, nothing was left. Having made gifts for dispatchers and others at the local agency I was contacted about knitting some blankets. After getting some stealth information on favorite colors and needs I was able to find the right yarns as start knitting. This is the first of three blankets I am working on for the family.
Close up of blanket for the newborn girl who will be almost six months by the time she gets this I have picked a new yarn that has flecks of pink and green mixed in with the white. It is Bernat's Pipsqueak yarn in the color called Candy Girl. I was not sure about how to knit this and using size 9 needles ended up with a knit and purl design that made a flat, yet thick blanket. When you look at it the yarn makes it feel like a terry cloth towel. The design is like a pastel tie dye. It is really interesting, warm and fitting of a baby.
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