This is sooooo cool. In case I haven't told you before, I have a job that allows me to be creative. As part of that I work with people who are way more creative than I am. I came back from a meeting one afternoon and found my co-worker, let's call her Christy, with a ball of grocery bag. To be more specific she had taken plastic grocery store bags, that we had in the office, and with the help of instructions she found on a craft web site she found on the Internet, turned them into
a ball of plastic yarn. Basically by cutting the bags into loops and using slip knots to string them together there were no tied knots to get into the way of knitting. It took about four bags to create the small square I needed. Two things to keep in mind; it is probably best to use the same type of bag throughout the project you are doing because color schemes and bag densities are different based on the store bags you are using. The other thing to remember is that if you are not careful when you loop the loops together bubbles will be created when you knit so you have to pay attention when making your plastic yarn. This project was knitted with size eight needles and I would not recommend using anything small, as a matter of fact you might want to use larger needles. Overall it was a lot of fun and a great way to recycle. My next plan is to download some shopping bag patterns and make enough yarn to knit a new kind of recylced grocery bag. Thanks Christy for introducing me to this fun!

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