I love Christmas. It is by far my favorite holiday. I love decorating the tree and the house for the holidays. I am sure I get this from my mother who loves to decorate the tree and the house. Growing up there were rules to decorating the tree as I got old enough to decorate that were shared with me. Things like two ornaments that are alike can not be placed next to each other. Two of the same color should not be too close, and you have to balance the ornaments out from the front and the back of the branches. Smaller ornaments go to the top, larger ones at the bottom. All of this has been ingrained in my brain which made this year's assignment so difficult.
On our tour of the city we stopped at several places and picked up some cute ornaments that were not balls or red and gold. Then we hit Michael's. There we found ceramic ornaments in the shape of a snowman, star, and stocking. A few Sharpie paint pens later, and voila! We had some personalized ornaments that made the tree a little less commercial and a little more personalized. If you are wondering the stocking got Manny's name, because every grand dog should have their own stocking to mark their place in the family. Now this can be considered a family tree.
My mother moved a couple of years ago and some things had to go to storage. Apparently the ornaments went to storage, but not her tree. So the day after Thanksgiving I was informed that the tree was going up. When I asked about the ornaments she said she had bought some new ones. Suddenly from behind the couch appears a large box which has markings on it that indicated that there were 100 ornaments in the box. All of the ornaments were red and gold. After Erica (the very nice lady who helps mom) and I figured out how to put up the tree and plug it all in it was time to decorate. Now here comes my problem, red and gold ornaments needed to be spread out on the tree but I had to make sure red was not near red and gold not near gold. When I got done I announced there is too much red and gold on this tree and it needs some personalization. To my mother that meant, let's go shopping.
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