I mean green in so many ways. Yes, these dishcloths are very green in color for a very good reason. 4-H (my day job that sort of spills over) colors are green and white. So what better color for dishcloths that you plan to donate to the 4-H Volunteer Leaders Conference? Each year the 4-H volunteers from around the state gather for training, fundraising, and networking. Through in some awards, and a little fun and it is an additive environment for all involved. In other words you can't help but want to go back year after year. As part of the conference the volunteers run an old country store where items are donated. They also hold an auction where higher end items are auctioned off and items that did not sell in the store are bundled together for auction. I am not sure when or where these items sold but I do know they were placed in the old country store for two dollars a piece.
Of Course these are green for another reason. Made from 100% cotton these dishcloths are meant to be used and then put in the washing machine and reused again. Thus helping the environment and being healthier because people are more likely to wash something that can be reused rather than reusing something as much as possible that is disposable because they want to make sure they get the most of their money.